Best Crypto Payment Gateway WordPress

XAIGATE is a cryptocurrency payment gateway plugin for WordPress that helps businesses of all sizes accept cryptocurrency payments from their customers. XAIGATE offers a wide range of features and benefits that make it the ideal choice for businesses who are looking to start accepting cryptocurrency payments.

XaiGate is #1 Crypto Payment Gateway for WooCommerce

XaiGate is considered the best cryptocurrency payment processor available on WordPress. We offer businesses of all sizes the tool to accept crypto payments on WordPress and WooCommerce worldwide in the most popular cryptocurrencies such as BTC, USDT, ETH, LINK, LTC, DOGE, USDC, and many others.

XAIGATE is a trusted partner for businesses of all sizes, committed to helping them succeed and grow. With XAIGATE, businesses can enjoy the benefits of accepting cryptocurrency payments, such as increased sales, reduced costs, improved security, and global reach.

XAIGATE - Best Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway for WooCommerce

There are many reasons why businesses choose XAIGATE as their cryptocurrency payment gateway. Here are just a few:

To increase sales: Accepting cryptocurrency payments can help businesses increase sales by attracting new customers and making it easier for existing customers to pay for goods and services.

To expand their global reach: Cryptocurrency payments can be accepted from customers all over the world, which can help businesses expand their global reach and reach new customers.

To reduce costs: Cryptocurrency payments are processed much faster than traditional payments, which can save businesses money on processing fees.

To protect their business from fraud: XAIGTE uses advanced security measures to protect businesses from fraud and theft.

Installation of XAIGATE Gateway Plugin on WooCommerce

1. First you must install XAIGATE crypto payment gateway WooCommerce plugin and activate it.
2. Click on the “PLUGIN” option (you will find it on the sidebar).
3. Then select “ADD NEW” option (you will find it on the top of the page)
4. After selecting the option, a new page will pop up and show you different plugins. You must click on the search option and type XAIGATE Crypto Payment Gateway.
5. After finding the XAIGATE plugin, click on the “INSTALL NOW” button and install the plugin.
6. After installing the plugin, click on “ACTIVATE”. When you activate our plugin, you will see XAIGATE appear on the sidebar.
7. Congratulations! You have successfully installed our plugin on your website.

Configuration of XAIGATE Crypto Payment Gateway WordPress

  1. Go to the sidebar of WordPress’s admin panel.
  2. Click the WooCommerce option and select Settings.
  3. Now, you will need to locate the Payments section in Settings.
  4. You’ll find the XAIGATE plugin there.
  5. Click Manage at the end of the same line. Best Crypto Payment Gateway WordPress Plugin
  6. The configure settings page will be opened. Accept Crypto Payments with WordPress Plugin
  • Enable/Disable: Tick the checkbox if you want to enable the XAIGATE payment method.
  • Title: The title written by you will appear on the checkout page.
  • Description: You can add a few details to tell customers important details before they proceed on the checkout page.
  • APIKey: You’ll need to obtain an API Key from your XAIGATE project settings. Access the Credential page of your XAIGATE dashboard to retrieve your API Key here:  https://wallet.xaigate.com/merchant/credential
  • Shop name:  Enter your shop name.
  • And, that’s all for setting up. Save the setting!

WooCommerce Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway for WordPress Workflow

WooCommerce Cryptocurrency Payment Gateways are plugins that allow your WordPress-based WooCommerce store to accept payments in various cryptocurrencies. They essentially act as intermediaries between your store and the cryptocurrency network. Here’s a breakdown of how they work:

  • Merchants choose to accept cryptocurrency as a payment method for their businesses and integrate WooCommerce cryptocurrency payment gateway into their online stores
  • Customers choose cryptocurrency payment at checkout page
  • Crypto payment gateway receives and processes payments
  • Blockchain network validates payments and notifies both merchants and customers whether the payments go through or not
  • Payments are then settled into merchants’ wallets in the form of crypto or fiat currencies

Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway for WooCommerce (WordPress Plugin) Selection Process

1. Choosing a Crypto Payment Gateway:

Several WooCommerce plugins function as crypto payment gateway for WooCommerce. These integrate with your store and enable customers to pay using cryptocurrencies. Popular options include:

  • XAIGATE: Perfect solution for businesses of all sizes that are looking to start accepting cryptocurrency payments and charges a flat 0.2% fee, no hidden fee.
  • TripleA: Offers wallet-agnostic payments, meaning customers can use any crypto wallet, and you can receive funds in your preferred currency. 
  • CoinGate: Supports a vast array of cryptocurrencies and charges a flat 1% fee.

2. Installation and Configuration:

Once you’ve chosen a gateway, follow the installation instructions. This typically involves uploading the plugin to your WordPress dashboard and activating it. Then, configure the plugin with your gateway’s credentials and select the cryptocurrencies you want to accept.

3. Benefits of Accepting Crypto Payments:

There are several advantages to offering crypto payments:

  • Attract New Customers: Crypto users are a growing demographic, and providing this payment option can attract new customers.
  • Faster Transactions: Crypto payments can be faster than traditional methods, especially for international transactions.
  • Reduce Chargebacks: Crypto transactions are irreversible, eliminating the risk of fraudulent chargebacks.

4. Considerations:

  • Cryptocurrency Volatility: Crypto prices can fluctuate significantly. Consider how you’ll handle price changes between the time an order is placed and the payment is received.
  • Technical Knowledge: Setting up and managing a cryptocurrency payment gateway for WooCommerce might require some technical knowledge.
  • Transaction Fees: While crypto eliminates chargebacks, there may be transaction fees associated with the payment gateway.


Trusted by businesses of all sizes to enable growth.

If you are a business owner and are interested in accepting cryptocurrency payments, I encourage you to check out XAIGATE. It is a great way to start accepting cryptocurrency payments and enjoy the benefits that we offer.

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